Recent Blog Posts

Who else is tired of hearing 'New Year New You?' Sorry to put you through that again but as we plow into 2025 (literally, for those of us further north) now is the time to shed light on our partners starting the new year fresh. Featuring one of our most interactive custom designs to-date and some fun takes on athletics-focused organizations.

We survived the back-to-school surge! Now that everyone is finding the groove for the 2024/25 school year, it's that time again to share some of our Summer work that recently made their public debuts. Featuring two new fully custom designs and a mix of templates for new Foxbright partners and existing client redesigns alike.

Summer can be deceiving - we get a few weeks of 'chill' and before you know it, we're fast approaching the next school-year! While the phone lines might be quieter, client projects kept us busy. Foxbright's 2024 Spring/Summer launches encompass a range of templates and customization: Lotus, Magnolia, Kapok, Ironwood and Hickory. Learn why Magnolia has been a popular choice for educational organizations or perhaps glean some design inspiration for your own website!